Jane Davidson Family Register Sampler
Windham Township, Rockingham, New Hampshire
16 " x 17 1/4". 18 1/2" x 19 3/4 " including possibly the ori- ginal gilt frame. Jane's beautiful sampler is a stunning example
of an American Family Register. This group of samplers is fam- ous for their spectacular floral borders and Jane's sampler is certainly no exception. She stitched two wonderful diamond
patterned cornucopias filled with gorgeous florals growing up the sides and across the top of the piece. And an absolutely won- derful addition is the lovely scene at the bottom of the sampler.
Perhaps one of those houses is the house that Jane grew up in. Jane was born on December 7, 1808 in Windham Township, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Her sampler depicts the
Family Register of Deacon William Davidson (1761- 1839), his wife Jane Barnet (1765-1832) and their 8 children.
Her verse reads:
" The genealogy of Jane Davidson wrought 1821. What nothing earthly gives, or can destroy The soul's calm sunshine and the heart felt joy Is virtues's prize."
We have an exceptional amount of provenance on this lovely sampler. We also have a wonderful hand colored fraktur with all of the same names and dates as the sampler. It
measures 9 1/2" x 11 3/4" in its painted wood frame. In addition we have five early 19th century handwritten letters or notes, three of which pertain to two of William's daugh-
ters'qualifications to teach school at the Pinkerton Academy in Derry, New Hampshire.
There is some obvious staining along the left side of the sam- pler as well as a bit of darkening in the top right corner of the piece. And there is some thread loss, primarily in the verse
area. The verse is not entirely legible, but I was able to read enough to identify the quote by Alexander Pope. But there are no holes in the fabric and the colors of the silk are still
vibrant. The sampler has been backed with another piece of linen and mounted on acid-free board.
The fraktur also shows a bit of staining, but the colors are still lovely. The names and dates have faded a bit but are defin- itely legible. The fraktur has also been mounted on acid-free
board. This sampler comes with a notebook of family
letters and notes.