Gallery of Needlework Tools


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Bone Etui  - Carved from bone, the case of this etui features a gilt plaque on the front that has not been engraved.  The interior of the fitted case is lined in cream silk and purple velvet. The tools include silver scissors and thimble as well as a steel bodkin and a needlecase and stiletto with a bit of a wash on them.  The wash has mostly worn away, so the end result is that all of the tools look good together and good in the case. They are not however, all original to the case.  I think that the needlecase and stiletto are original while the other tools are replacements.  They are however, good replacements that fit the case very well.

The condition of the tools is good.  The condition of the case is only fair. The case does not close tightly and the two side edges have several gouges in the bone in addition to a small crack near the plaque on the top.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                $465              

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Figural Needlecase - Carved of bone, and trimmed with mother of pearl and steel spang- les, this wonder- ful needlecase looks like a grandfather clock.   There are a few of the spangles missing, but no other problems to the condition of the piece.

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Silkwinder Set - These lovely silkwinders are made of bone.  They are quite beautiful and it is very rare to have a matched set of six winders.   The only condition problem is a bit of yellowing around the edges.                                                                                        $275

Copyright © 2025 by Dawn Lewis.  All rights reserved.
524 N. Oklahoma Ave., Morton, IL 61550
Phone: 309-263-7766