Margaret Bowie Sampler
13" x 17" or 19 1/4" x 23 1/4 including a lovely 19th century frame with a gilt slip and old wavy glass. Margaret's lovely Scottish house sampler features a stunning four pillared house
with six multi-paned windows and four chimneys. There is a fenced in front yard and two graceful swaying trees filled with birds. She stitched a beautiful thistle surrounded with the words
"I have power to defend Thy son and others". There are also florals, crowns, 2 verses, a peacock and a delicate undulating border. She added a series of family initials including " JB, RB,
JB, WB, RB, AR and JR". Just below the first verse she stitched the name Jean Bowie. I believe that to be her mother's name. I would have expected her father's name to be next to it,
but it is not there. It may have faded away.
Her 1st verse reads:
The wondering would Inquire to know why I do love my Savior so But if all the world my Savior know Shure all the world would love him to"
The second verse has mostly faded away but if you tilt the sampler at just the right angle you can clearly see that it was the very well known "Jesus permit thy gracious name to
stand" verse. She signed her sampler Margaret Bowie. The date appears to have been picked out but I believe the sampler to be circa 1820.
The condition of Margaret's classic Scottish house sampler is still pretty good. However, there is an overall darkening to the fabric and a fair amount of thread loss. The thread loss is
mostly in the 2nd verse area and the area to the left of the first verse. There is also a hole just under the thistle and the bottom edge of the fabric is showing some wear. The sampler
has been mounted on acid-free board.
$1375 |