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 Fanny Maria Green Sampler

12" x 14".   15" x 16 1/2" including a maple frame.    Fanny's beautiful sampler is filled with delicate florals and baskets of fruit, in addition to the five medallians containing the two verses. Her floral bouquets are actually quite different from what we usually see on needlework samplers. The flower buds in her bou- quets feature lovely running stitch filligrees which give her sampler a very feminine look.    Her baskets of fruit appear to have stems of red berries growing out of them. This is all surrounded by a gorgeous softly meandering floral border. 

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Fanny's central verse reads:

"To my dear Parent this work I present
Hoping twill please you and give you content
And I'll through my life use my utmost endeavour
to please you and merit your further kind favour"


The second verse (in the outer medallians) reads:

God is alike both good and wise
In what he grants and what denies
Perhaps what goodness gives to-day
Tomorrow goodness takes away"
She signed her sampler, "Fanny Maria Green 1814."

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      There is just a bit of overall darkening in the sampler but the colors of the silks are still vibrant. I found one small hole in the middle right border and a tiny one in the bottom left corner.  There is also a bit of thread loss.  Overall, the condition is quite good. It has been mounted on acid-free board.                                                                                                                                 $1450

                                                                             #8018                                                                                                      Lucy A. Harman Sampler              

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12 " x 16".  15 3/4 " x 19 3/4 " including a 19th century maple frame with a gilt liner. Lucy's charming sampler features a won- derful two story house and a lovely garden filled with sheep, ducks, dogs, birds, flowers and trees. The elegant house has arched multi-paned windows and steps leading up to an im- pressive door. I particularly like the wrought iron fence across the front of the garden.

She stitched one verse above the center pictoral, and another one below it.  The sampler is surrounded by a floral border featuring both tulips and honeysuckle. Lucy's needlework has a lovely overall visual appeal that is quite rare in a piece worked by an eight year old child.  She signed her sampler, "Lucy A. Harman   aged 8 Years  1830".


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Her first verse reads:

"Honour thy Father with thy whole Heart
and forget not the sorrows of thy Mother
how canst thou recompense them the things
they have done for thee"

Her second verse reads:

"Shun every vice your Sovereign Lord obey
And walk in pure religion's pleasing way
Then time may hasten quick your days may fly
You'll not regret their speed nor fear to die".


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The condition of the sampler is good.  There are a few  small holes mostly around the outer edges of the border, as well as a couple of small holes in the second verse area, and near the two ducks in the garden.  But the holes are truly not very noticable.  There is also a very small amount of thread loss in the steps leading up to the door, and a bit of darken- ing to the second verse area.  It has been mounted on acid-free board.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             $1975

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 Ann Lee Sampler

12 1/4" x 16 1/2".   16" x 20 1/4" including an old wood frame.  Ann's gorgeous sampler is stunningly artistic.  This is one of those times where the stitcher took a blank piece of fabric and a needle, and created a beautiful work of art. The pictoral shows Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. There are lovely delicate florals, as well as animals including lots of birds, but- terflies and deer, and an absolutely gorgeous tree.  The floral border surrounding the sampler is delicate and airy, just as I would imagine the foliage in the Garden of Eden to be.

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To create a realistic tree on a piece of fabric is quite an achievement in itself.  But Ann added a realistic Adam and Eve as well as the serpent winding around the trunk of the tree. When you look at Ann's needlework, you actually get a feeling of the serenity of the Garden of Eden.  She signed her sampler  "Ann Lee  1820".

Her verse reads:                                                 "As in Adam  all Die even so in
Christ shall all be made alive".


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There are some issues with the condition of the sampler. There are four large holes in the fabric but amazingly, they don't actually show very much, or affect the needlework itself.  The sampler has been mounted on another piece of linen. Because the color and count of the fabric is very similar to the original fabric, you don't actually see the holes unless you are looking for them. The holes are located on both sides of the top center bird, and both above and below Eve's arm.                                                                                                                                                                   $2850

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524 N. Oklahoma Ave., Morton, IL 61550
Phone: 309-263-7766